Social Impact Report
In March and April 2021, we commissioned a listening project to find out what people in Bodmin want and need for a commnuity-focused future.

intoBodmin was initially created through Arts Council funding to create and deliver a series of arts projects across Bodmin.
This included developing concerts in St Petroc’s Church, a digital projection and animation project with local primary schools, festivals, and the creation of a new cafe, community and arts space in The Old Library.
2019/2020 saw success and fast growth. However, it felt at times that we were constantly in delivery mode and lacking time and space to develop our vision and future strategy, or review and evaluate our previous approaches.

Lockdown offered us time to think, reflect and evaluate how we have delivered against the initial goals set out by the organisation.
During this reflection, we studied audience response to the work we had delivered.
We looked at identifying the existing public perception of intoBodmin, and explored the potential for a more community-based organisation which does not just champion inclusivity, but holds active collaboration with the community at its core.
Finally, we had conversations with partners in the sector and researched new models of delivery and engagement.
What we did:
We commissioned a Social Impact Report from Dr Stephen Pritchard, an expert who's interested in how arts and cultural organisations can drive cultural development in communities.
Together with Lin Chapman, he gathered information and viewpoints from over 200 people who live, work, or come into Bodmin, with the aim of producing a report which would help us understand how intoBodmin can address the needs and wants of Bodmin's communities.
They gathered information through:
– Conversations with people who occupy key roles within the town and Cornwall’s broader cultural landscape.
– Conversations with people who are less likely or unlikely to engage with interviews or with traditional forms of arts and culture.
– An online questionnaire.
– Desk research.
What you said:
This listening project gave us all sorts of information and insights into what our communities want and need in Bodmin – now and in the future. We're taking all these on board into our planning, and taking them into account in our work going forward.
Here are just some of the things that grabbed our attention.

What do you think is amazing about Bodmin?
Sense of community
History and heritage
Central location and transport links
How you said children and families in Bodmin could be better supported:
Family friendly community-based activities
Family friendly arts and cultural activities and events
Funded services and youth groups
More play areas for children and young people

What's important to help you feel good?
Arts and cultural events and activities
A sense of community co-operation and belonging
What are we doing with this information?
We are using this information to guide our plans for the future and build community collaboration into everything we do, from the ground up.
We have also developed our new strategy document whereby we think of intoBodmin as a garden: growing beautiful produce (delivery), and putting down roots with communities, audiences, and partners to develop sustainability.
To develop a thriving and diverse cultural programme across Bodmin’s public spaces, attracting audiences from across the community.
To put the community at the centre of cultural development to create a positive change in community cohesion, wellbeing and pride.
To run a sustainable social enterprise that makes a difference, is innovative and generates sustainable income.

Read the report
If you'd like to read the key findings of the report, you can download it here:

Building a Better Bodmin
intoBodmin is a cultural advocacy organisation. We actively promote Bodmin as an attractive, engaging, inspirational and progressive town. A place where communities are strong and businesses are innovative.