All The Beautiful Things
Everyone's welcome at The Old Library Café. Drop into our friendly café for a hot drink, a bite to eat, a moment to yourself or for a natter.
Hot food and a warm welcome
Usual Opening Hours:
Weds, Thurs, Fri | 10:30am-2pm
Wifi: Free wifi, and iPads if you need to use them
Bar: Usually open during evening events.
Access: The café is situated on the ground floor, with wheelchair access to the rear (to the right of the main entrance). The building has two disabled toilets and a baby changing facility.
Covid Safety: Please be assured we have socially distanced tables inside and outside in our courtyard.
We provide hand sanitiser, free facemasks if you forget yours, and track and trace systems.

Our cafe is run by Grace, who's supported by a small team of volunteers who range from college students to retirees, and who do the cooking, make drinks and take your order.
All the soups and cakes are made in our kitchen, and using produce from our garden wherever possible. Everyone can expect a warm welcome - from families with young children, tourists and our regulars who come in daily.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Crib Time: Pay What You Decide
Crib Time at The Old Library Cafe is a trial run. As we start to take tentative steps away from the turmoil, we want to offer something to our local community. At intoBodmin we felt that people, although anxious and wary, needed opportunities to interact with others once again, to enjoy some physically distanced social interactions in a safe and pleasant environment, with nice food and drinks.
We are running this trial on a Pay What You Decide basis. This means that what you pay today is entirely up to you. You may want to pay what you’d normally expect to in a cafe, you may pay what you can afford, you may not pay anything or you may pay more. The cafe is here to serve the whole community and to support those who need coffee, cake and a chat. Whatever you decide, is fine by us, so long as you help us spread the word and encourage others to come and enjoy The Old Library Cafe.
During Crib Time, you choose to pay whatever you like - but if you’re not sure where to start here are some suggested prices.
Help cover our costs: This is approximately how much it costs us to produce your food and drink.
Tea: 15p
Coffee: 50p
Cake: 80p
Soup: 80p
Help cover our overheads: This helps us pay our rent, utilities, staff and other overheads.
Tea: £1
Coffee: £2
Cake: £1.50
Soup: £3
Help us invest in the community: Any profit we make goes to help intoBodmin continue to deliver community work and develop new things, and allows us to continue running Crib Time at The Old Library Café.
Tea: £2
Coffee: £2.70
Cake: £3
Soup: £5

Digital Friends
If you need to get online, we can help!
We received a donation of two iPads through a scheme run by Healthwave. These iPads are free to borrow in the café for people wanting to join a Zoom meeting, set up a social media profile, fill out an application - or whatever you need! This scheme is supported by Barclays Digital Wings programme.
Just pop in and ask at the cafe. If you need someone to help you get set up or do something specific - a Digital Friend - then please email or ask at the café.

The Old Library Café Garden
Having you visited our very own vegetable garden and outdoor seating area? We use fresh produce from our garden in our dishes. From garden to plate - you can't get much fresher than that! Thanks to Hayley Armour for some of these lovely photos

The Future
Our Community Garden
We are proud to be continuing this legacy of community access, use and enjoyment. When we began the campaign, we were supported by 100 supporters - who we're honoured to recognise here