The Founder Supporters
Thanks to the following people, we were able to open The Old Library as a vibrant arts & community venue.
Sue Amis
Doug Amy
Martha Ann Babcock
Oliver Baines
Liz Barclay
Rose Barnecut
Rachael Barnett
Charlotte Barry
Joy & Paul Bassett
Claire Beckett
Mike Beckett
Colin Bell
Berman Family
Jean Blayney
Bodmin College
Josie Bowler
Philip Bowler
Trevor & Barbara Brittain
Alan & Jean Brown
Chris Brown
Jennifer Carr
Keith & Alison Chapman
Cliff Clarke
Anna Coad
Ann-Marie Coker
David Coker
Carolyn Cooper
Cornish Lime
Cornwall Food Foundation
Ross Williams & Cath Cullen
Darcroft Garage & MOT Centre
Merv Davey
Jowdy Davey
Rebecca Davis
Anna Denny
Catherine Dufort
Charles Edward-Collins
Bob Egerton
Odile Faull
Catherine & Stuart Fleet
Rosalind Fores Adam
Sue Furguson
Phillip Gale
Pete Garcia
Chris Pearce & Sonya Gibbs
Nick Gilbert
Richard Gilbert
Mary Godwin
Bill Grimsey
The Hamoaze Band
Maureen Hancock
Roger Hancock
Pauline & Jack Harcombe
Paul & Sandra Harrison
Teresa Hartley
Melodie Hepworth
Hilary and Steve Hignell
Sophie Hodge
Sarah Horne
Christine Howard
Hannah, Jowan & Edie Irwin
Theresa Irwin
Keith & Wendy Jackson
Sarah & PaulJeffrey
Angie Jenkins
Janet Johnson
Owen Kay
Nick & Sue Kelly
Shirley Kent
Ann Kerridge
Mandy Kessell
Amanda Knights
Jon Langford
Light and Life Church, Bodmin
Andrew & LizLane
Vivienne Legg
Tamsyn Lewis
Lovely Yoga
Fiona Mackinnon
John Macneill
Jessica Mann
Victor Mann
Ruth Mitchell
Lee & Judith Morford
Steven Nelson
Margot & Kevin Nichols
Sherron Nicholls
Michelle Nineham
Karen Ouzman
Neil Pendleton
Brian Perkins
Jacky Perkins
In memory of Jo & Mike Pickett Carolyn Power
Joe Power
David Prescott
Sue Randell
Really Lovely Projects
Lisa Roe
John Macneill
Jessica Mann
Victor Mann
Ruth Mitchell
Lee & Judith Morford
Steven Nelson
Margot & Kevin Nichols
Sherron Nicholls
Michelle Nineham
Karen Ouzman
Neil Pendleton
Brian Perkins
Jacky Perkins
In memory of Jo & Mike Pickett Carolyn Power
Joe Power
David Prescott
Sue Randell
Really Lovely Projects
Lisa Roe
John Wagstaff
Adam Walker
Martine Waltier
Timothy Warre
Anne Wilson
Julie Ann Wilton
Fiona Winter
Gill Bell
Geoffrey Brown
Cliff Clarke
Jan Cole
Derek Cox
Oliver Curtis
John Morphew
Sue Neal
Ian Ringer
AP Basset Solicitors
J Toms & Sons
Bodmin Folk Club
Avant Rural

Our work is still ongoing. If you'd like to help us achieve our next goal, get in touch or donate.

Build a Better Bodmin
intoBodmin is a cultural advocacy organisation. We actively promote Bodmin as an attractive, engaging, inspirational and progressive town. A place where communities are strong and businesses are innovative.